Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Mid-Week Update

1. The boys are home! They actually hopped on an earlier flight on stand-by so arrived home a little after 2pm yesterday instead of the expected 7pm. After two days home for Sukkot during which she spent much time watching TV and occupying herself while I tried to get my work done, Caroline was SO HAPPY to see Joel. She threw herself into his arms with a "Daddy I love you SO MUCH!" and a huge hug (And then asked where her presents were).

2. Caroline had her first bed wetting episode last night, after 11 dry nights in a row post-pullup-era (PPE). Yes I was counting. Of course I am blaming it on Joel because he put her to bed last night and admitted that he did not remind her to use the bathroom before she went to bed. She woke up around 11:30 SCREAMING from the upstairs bathroom and when I bolted up the stairs (having a pretty good idea what was wrong) she sobbed, "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG IN MY BED!" Poor baby. All Daddy's fault!

3. The dishwasher hasn't been working for a week. This is moderately bad for my disposition and very bad for the environment (having switched almost exclusively to paper/plastic products in an effort to avoid doing dishes by hand). A repair man finally was able to come out today to have a look at it, and pronounced the dishwasher in perfect working order -- but alas, the switch that supplies power to the dishwasher is broken. So what I actually need is an electrician. So much for the thought that I might be able to use the dishwasher today :(

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