Thursday, October 29, 2015

Crazy Morning

We got off to a bit of a rough start this morning, with the elementary school bus not showing up. So Abby got Ben out the door and watched Caroline while I drove Becca, Charlie and Amelia to school. Of course just as I pulled the car off our street I saw the school bus pulling away (no one had waited for it so it really didn't bother to stop for more than a second else I would have tried to get the kids on it). The school parking lot was a total cluster (I don't understand why anyone drives their kids to school) so even after dropping the kids off --they ran into school but probably were late since they arrived just at 7:45 when the bell rings-- it took me another 10 minutes to get out of the parking lot. After I got home and finished getting Caroline ready we headed to school and I was marveling that I really hadn't gotten her there any later than usual, considering the messed up morning, when I realized I'd forgotten her lunchbox at home :( So I had to drop her off, drive home, get the lunch, drive back, and then drive home again. And by then I was seriously behind schedule. Sigh.

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