Wednesday, October 21, 2015


The Lice-Capades over at the cousins' house have spilled over into our house thanks I am sure to the newfound interest Becca and Amelia seem to have in combing each others' hair (using the same hair brush of course) which I told Becca NEVER TO DO AGAIN! But, too late. I did pull one dead louse off of her last week but despite what I thought was a thorough nit-picking she did turn up with a couple more yesterday which Abby nicely removed while babysitting for me ;) Rebecca's bedtime routine for the next week is going to include a thorough olive-oil comb-through and shampoo-out the next morning, which is a pain in the ass but is better than having bugs in your hair :( Caroline and Ben thankfully seem to have been spared.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

How about 'Phthiraptera Fit' for your next blog post title. LOL