Monday, October 12, 2015

Worst Monday Ever!

That would be having to de-louse three children while your kitchen floor is demolished and giant fans are set up that ARE SO LOUD YOU CANT THINK AND HAVE TO STAY ON 24 HOURS A DAY. 

The de-lousing was more a precautionary measure after both of Abby's kids turned up with lice today. I had the school nurse check and double check Rebecca and she said she didn't have any, but I did end up finding a single dead louse in her hair. So I spent, oh, three hours tonight in the bathroom with the lice shampoo and the nit comb going through the kids' hair with a fine-tooth comb. (Yeah I guess that's where that saying comes from). After all that I did only find the one, but that was all I needed ;) I made Abby come over and we shampooed ourselves and combed through each others' hair (didn't find anything). I did the girls' sheets, vacuumed, and bagged their stuffed animals. 

As for the kitchen, it is now mostly enclosed in plastic with the aforementioned giant fans running. The awesome story there is the water damage that we thought was caused by the broken water line to the fridge was actually caused by a leaking sewer pipe. There was mold, guys in hazmat suits, the whole nine yards. They ended up cutting out a bunch of the flooring including the subfloor under where the stove used to be, took the microwave down, cut out some of the back splash and we lost 2 cabinets to mold. Tomorrow someone is coming to discuss the repair work and give an estimate for that. And the actual leaking pipe still is not fixed yet either -- plumber is coming tomorrow as well. And, Ben has a cross country meet. Another awesome day ;) Maybe tomorrow I will actually manage to work though -- I ended up taking today off. 

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Good lord!!! I'm so sorry. Good news is today MUST have been a better day.