Monday, October 21, 2013

Don't Look Down!

Here is Becca braving one of the many rock walls at Inner Peaks Climbing Center yesterday. She attended her friend George's birthday party there and though she was a little nervous in the beginning she got the hang of both going up and coming back down pretty quickly! She didn't make it all the way to the top but as you can see by this picture she got pretty close! 

Besides the birthday party the weekend was pretty quiet. Saturday Joel took Ben and Becca to a friend's house to play for the afternoon, and Caroline slept from 1 until I woke her up at 4:45 so I had the whole afternoon to lie on the couch snuggling with kittens and watching television! (As a result of that down-time I have piles of laundry to catch up on now but it was worth it). 

Yesterday Ben and Becca had Hebrew school in the morning and Caroline and I took a walk with the dog and played outside. While I took Becca to the party in the afternoon and Caroline napped, Ben had a friend over to play for the afternoon. So it was not a busy weekend, but nice/relaxing.

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