Friday, October 11, 2013

Red Card

Becca brought home her first "red card" today for bad behavior (quite a few yellows -- warnings -- but this was her first red card). Actually her behavior has been pretty good lately, and I think in the last two weeks she has been on green or blue every day except for one yellow, until today. As you can see from the note, and the accompanying lock of hair, Rebecca's transgression today was cutting her hair with scissors, and then lying about it. (Really? Cutting our hair with scissors? How unoriginal).

The even more exasperating part was that when she got home she took her backpack upstairs and hid the note, so when I saw the red card and no note I immediately asked her to go find it and bring it to me. Because of lying/hiding the note, I gave her double punishment -- no TV for two days. She lied about cutting her hair, thus prompting the red card, and then lied about the red card :P When will she learn? *SIGH* And now she has a random short lock of hair in front of her face. 

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