Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Friday!!

Here she is, decked out in her "Shabbat shirt" for preschool. Unfortunately the back of the shirt says "Challah!!!" and of course Caroline is not allowed to eat challah. Oh well.

Today is not just ANY Friday, it is me and Joel's early anniversary weekend trip to Charleston Friday! We are leaving after lunch, and leaving the kids with the very capable and slightly insane for agreeing repeatedly to watch all three of our children for an entire weekend, Sharon ;) We are staying at The Indigo Inn, and we have dinner reservations at two highly recommended restaurants, Slightly North of Broad, and Husk. We also are planning to go to the beach tomorrow at Sullivan's Island. And maybe do a ghost tour. And maybe go try to find Robert Jordan's grave. Okay that one is my idea and so far I have had a hard time convincing Joel of it. Anyway, whatever we end up doing we will have a lot of fun I am sure!! We will be back home Sunday afternoon. Saying goodbye this morning to my Shabbat Girl was hard, because she does not understand that we are leaving. (Ben and Rebecca on the other hand are very excited to have Sharon staying with them this weekend, apparently preferring her company to mine). Anyway I will post some pictures from our Charleston trip so stay tuned!!

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