Friday, April 25, 2008

Inaugural Post

I decided yesterday that I am a bad, horrible, terrible mother. I was going through the drawers in the kitchen where I stuff Ben's artwork after I take it out of his backpack every day. I was throwing out most of it because the drawers were so crammed full there was no room for anything new. In my defense of not saving my son's artwork, most of it can only be called artwork in the broadest sense of the term. Although Ben is almost 4 now, he seems to have inherited his father's artistic talent. If anything he draws even vaguely resembles what he claims it is, it goes up on the refrigerator.
Anyway that's not the point. The point is, first I threw away most of his "artwork", then I happened to come across the all of 3 short video clips I have on my computer of him, from around age 18 months - 2 years. Then I looked up my old blog, which I stopped posting about a year ago, coincidentally right when life actually started to get interesting. In the year since I gave up on that blog we moved, had a new baby... (No, there are no vidoes of her yet either).
So this is my attempt to salvage some memories for posterity. Again. We'll see how long this one lasts. And I'm going to bust out the video camera too. One of these days.

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