Friday, April 25, 2008

Passover Nightmare

Here is Becca before she pooped all over herself in the middle of Passover Seder last Sunday. I did not take an after picture, but now I wish I had. You will have to use your imagination. Close your eyes. Imagine lots more poop than you think was probably there, and you might be close. Now make sure that, in your mind's eye you see approximately 1/4 cup of poop smeared all over the front of Joel's white khakis, and another 1/4 cup smeared all over her car seat. God was punishing me for mentioning casually in the car on the way to Seder that I had not packed a change of clothes for Rebecca, so she better not poop all over herself. Although this was indeed an oversight on my part, it would never have occurred to me to pack a change of clothes for Joel as well...

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