Friday, May 2, 2008

Like Riding a Bike

Yes, riding a bike is like, well, riding a bike - you never forget how. Six years ago, I spent $500 on a bike. I have not ridden it since before I was pregnant with Ben - so, call it four and a half years, at any rate. The bike spent our entire 3 years in Blackstone in the basement of our house.

Today - drum roll please - I removed it from its new home in the corner of the garage, wiped off some of the dust, inflated the tires, and went for a ride at lunch. The first couple of minutes were a little less than graceful. Anyone watching would have realized I had not ridden a bike in a long time. But after a couple of laps around the cul de sac I got the hang of it and biked up the road to Rebecca's day care - though I did not stop in because she's at the age where she will cry if she sees me and I leave without her. Then I circled my way back home, riding down to the next entrance of our subdivision and back home that way. The entire process, including my practice laps, took less than 20 minutes. But it's a start.

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