Monday, May 12, 2008

Thunder Thighs

At 4:45 this morning Rebecca woke up. This is about an hour or two earlier than she normally wakes up. I lay in bed listening to her on the monitor, hoping she would fall back asleep. But then I noticed I was not just hearing her on the monitor, I was also hearing a thud-thud-thud-thud coming from upstairs. It sounded like someone was stomping around very loudly. For a minute I thought it was Joel getting up to go to the bathroom or something- when he is on call he sleeps upstairs in the guest room so the pager doesn't wake me up and the kids don't wake him up. But the noise didn't stop.

Then I realized that the thud-thud-thud-thud was being followed by Rebecca's laugh coming over the baby monitor: thud-thud-thud-thud-hehehehe-thud-thud-thud-thud... After mentally envisioning the layout of the house - Rebecca's room is directly over the master bedroom - I realized the noise must be coming from her room, and the only thing that could possibly be causing it was Rebecca herself. It sounded like she was jumping up and down in her crib, but since that is impossible, I finally decided she must be kicking her mattress very hard.

When she actually does start jumping up and down in her crib, it's going to sound like there's an earthquake going on up there.

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