Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fall Cleaning

Over the last couple of days I have been systematically cleaning out Ben and Becca's closets. I was prompted to do so because a local charity drives around once a month collecting donations so all you have to do is leave bags of stuff on your front porch. Since I needed to start purging all the kids' too-small summer clothes and figuring out what they've got for fall that they can wear, it was a good time to clean out the closets. Except that both of their closets were like in the cartoons where you open the door and all the stuff piled to the ceiling falls out and buries you (not much of an exaggeration).

So last week I got together 5 trash bags of stuff from Ben's closet to donate, and this week I started on Becca's closet. After filling 5 trash bags from her closet, I got down to a box of hand-me-downs that I had totally forgotten about. It was from my brother, who sent me a box of clothes a month after Rebecca was born that had belonged to my niece Annie. I had totally forgotten about it because, although the clothes are nice and in good condition, almost all of them are sizes 4T and 5T.

I put the box back in the closet and made myself a mental note that in 2011 Rebecca will be stylin' in Gap Kids' Fall 2003 clothing line... Thanks Alex!

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