Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend Review

I took Ben to a birthday party this afternoon at the Charlotte Nature Museum. Since I have only been there once -- even though it was last weekend -- I didn't really remember how to get there (yes my sense of direction/memory is that bad). So I used the GPS. It worked very nicely though I noticed it did not take me home the same way it got me there. When I walked with Ben inside, the birthday girl's mom informed me that if I wanted to, I could leave and come back when the party was over. Normally my thought process would have been "hmm well I'm not really sure where I am or what's around here so I don't know where I would go so I might as well just stay." But today my thought process was "I have a GPS and it can tell me where the closest Starbucks is -- SEE YA!" So I went to Starbucks and had a cup of coffee. I love you, GPS.

I bought airline tickets last night, so that makes it official that we're going to Puerto Rico with friends from June 1 - 7. Our friends have relatives who own a beach house that they're letting them (and by extension us) use rent-free for the week. Now that it's official I'm getting really excited!!

We invited Joel's parents over for dinner tonight and Joel used the grill for the first time this season to grill salmon and chicken kabobs. His friend Jon talked him through the salmon-grilling and it came out pretty well. Just slightly over-cooked. Ben, surprisingly, ate the token piece of salmon we put on his plate, then asked for seconds and even thirds! Becca, not surprisingly, smeared her salmon, chicken, rice and salad all over her high chair tray and then whined until she got a banana.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about the trip in June:) And the kababs!!