Saturday, June 20, 2009

99 in the Shade

I think "99 in the shade" is the title of a really old and not very well known Bon Jovi song, from the album New Jersey maybe? Anyway, that about sums up the weather this weekend. This morning we went to the farm exhibit at the nature museum, where the kids got to pet all their favorite farm animals (like rabbits and guinea pigs? hmm... not the first farm animals that come to mind, but definitely a hit with the kids).

We were home by lunch time, and while Rebecca took her afternoon siesta Ben suited up and washed Joel's car (being outside without some type of water activity was not an option). We finished up our day with a playdate with Ben's friend Jared (spent indoors) and then we went with Jared's family out for dinner, ice cream, and to listen to music at the plaza at Stonecrest.

There is a band at Stonecrest every Friday and Saturday nights during the spring and summer, and tonight was the first time we'd managed to go this summer. Rebecca did not disappoint -- she danced and clapped and danced some more, all with remarkably good rhythm considering who her parents are. She even got a song dedicated to her by the band ("My Girl") and they invited her to go on tour with them (she declined). Random people were taking video of her dancing, so watch out -- Rebecca might end up as the next YouTube sensation. I, of course, didn't bring my camera but I definitely will next time we go! We ran into another couple that we're friends with from Ben's school while we were there, so it was a veritable CJP reunion.

For those of you wanting to know:
1. No the basketball hoop has not been assembled yet;
2. Ben stayed up until almost 10 pm last night and got through all of Jurassic Park 3 and about 3/4 of Jurassic Park 2 (apparently deciding the trilogy is viewed best in reverse chronological order).


Andrew said...

you fail to mention what the humidity was with that 99 degree temperature? I'll take a foot of snow in January any day!!

Mary said...

i would take that right now over the 60 and raining we have had for the last 2 months!

Kathleen said...

I agree with Mary. It's Sunday morning and raining AGAIN!

Abigail said...

Umm raining and 61 here and going to stay that way all week. I would take your 99 degrees in a heartbeat if it meant I could go to the f$%#@ing pool I am paying for!!!!