Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Camp

Today was the first day of summer camp for Ben. After two years at the JCC's preschool camp, he graduated to their "real" camp this year. Today's activities included a tennis lesson, swimming lesson, israeli dance lesson, arts and crafts... some other stuff in there too that I don't remember. I saw on his schedule that on Thursdays he has archery. I am glad I'm going to be nowhere around a bunch of 5 year olds pointing bows and arrows, that's for sure.

Anyway his first day was a success except for car pool at pick up time, which was very aggravating because of how slowly it moved. Considering that pick up time is 3:45-4:00 and I have to leave my desk to go get him and bring him home so I can get back to work, I am going to have to figure out a way to speed it up like by getting there early and/or walking in to pick him up instead of waiting in the car pool line.

Judging by how much he ate at dinner (a lot) and how tired he was when I put him to bed (very) he's going to be burning some serious calories this summer. He has not an ounce of flesh to spare on his body, so I hope his good appetite continues!

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