Thursday, November 12, 2009

It Has Been Raining For 48 Hours Straight

Not the subject of this post, necessarily, but true. It has also been cold and windy - in the 40s today. YUCK!! Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathleen arrive tomorrow, and according to the forecast the weekend will be warm and sunny, in the 70s. Hooray for Mike and Kathleen, miraculous changers of weather!

Let's see, what's going on... Ben had off for Veteran's day yesterday, and spent the day with the JCC's J-Team program bowling and swimming. Thank goodness for that! It is nice to know that he has fun things to do with friends on days off from school rather than watching TV all day while I work. Rebecca's first parent-teacher conference -- if you can call it that -- was yesterday, and her teacher confirmed what I have known all along... that Rebecca is an awesome kid! ;)

Remember how I mentioned whenever Rebecca sees a particular picture of a starfish in one of her books and calls it a cookie? Well last night Ben was "reading" to Rebecca and he accidentally called a picture of a snail a cinnamon roll! I guess it did kind of look like a cinammon roll.... he was very cute and sheepish when I pointed out (after I finished dying on the floor laughing) that the picture was not of a cinnamon roll.

This morning on the way to preschool Becca was looking out the window at the other cars on the road, and she noticed (I guess for the first time) the exhaust coming out of the tailpipe of the car in front of us. Since it looked like steam (especially in the cold and rain this morning) she said, "Oh God! Look! That car is hot!" I have NO idea where she gets "Oh God" from -- I don't say it -- but oh god, it's cute!


Anonymous said...

Do you have the recipe for cinnamon roll 'snails'? Or pie dough snails, I think they are more commonly called. They are yummy- you and Ben should make some :)

Grandma said...

One of these days, I will figure out how to leave a comment and actually put my name to it.

Amanda said...

i think you just did :P

Kathleen said...

I think we need to make monkey bread! :)