Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Turtles in January

Mother nature has finally started making up for the cold snap she put us through a couple weeks ago... after a week of high temps in the 30s, my trip to Boston last week didn't seem all that much colder than what I'd just left. But the weather this week so far has been downright warm. Today it was sunny and in the mid 60s. I took advantage of the warm weather to take a lunchtime walk around the lake in our development, where I saw the resident blue heron stalking some fish. I also saw a cute little turtle sunning himself on a rock.

Let me repeat that: A cute little turtle sunning himself on a rock. IN JANUARY!!!! Does that not just blow your mind? I mean, how COOL is that? Okay, I admit, I may be more fond of reptiles [excluding snakes] than the average person. And just rather kind of weird anyway. But -- TURTLES IN JANUARY!!! Come on, people! One of you has got to find that as awesome as I do.

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