Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer Camp

The kids started summer camp today (and mom and dad both went back to work after a week off, boo...) The kids both had a great first day of camp. Rebecca didn't seem to notice at all that she was with some different kids (about half the kids in her group she knows from preschool and the rest are new) and she seemed to adjust fine to her new camp counselors. She separated easily from me this morning and by all accounts had a great first day.

Ben as usual was a little more reticent, worrying about who would be in his group that he knows, but once he saw that he knew three of the boys in his group and one of the counselors, he was fine, and shooed me away. He described his first day as "awesome", and told me all about swimming, tennis, computers, arts & crafts, drama, and how he got to have a popsicle.

At home tonight, far from being tired, the kids had so much energy that at one point they were both down on their hands and knees scrubbing my kitchen floor with sponges. Not that I am complaining about that, exactly, I was just hoping that camp would tire them out a little more!


Kathleen said...

Just a FYI --- You are waaayyyy behind in BLOGS! Must have been a boring week!

Amanda said...

my bad. check now ;)