Wednesday, August 25, 2010

At the Bus Stop

As it turns out, I left my camera battery charger in Boone, it seems. So I had to make do with my cell phone this morning for the obligatory first-day-of-school pictures. Hence the poor quality. I am going to try to stop by the camera store today to see if I can get a new one.

Last year during the first part of the year Ben's bus was always late - sometimes as much as 15 minutes late. After numerous complaints the driver was eventually reassigned. Today I was quite pleased to see that not only did Ben's bus arrive promptly at 7:55, but the bus driver handed out business cards to all the parents with his name and cell phone number, with instructions to call his cell phone if he is ever late. Seems like a good start.

Good luck on your first day of school, Ben!

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