Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whitewater Rafting

Yesterday we drove into Tennessee (about an hour from where we were staying) for an ill-fated whitewater rafting trip on the Watauga River. It was billed as a "family rafting trip", suitable for ages 2 1/2 and up.

On the upside, the drive to and from Tennessee was very scenic, the river was pretty, the rain held off, and Ben enjoyed the rafting, which was for the most part just paddling through calm waters, with some very minor rapids in a couple of spots, and one small section of class 3 rapids. It would have been quite enjoyable, had it not been for the fact that Rebecca spent about 90% of the time jumping up and down screaming "I WANT TO GET OFF! I WANT TO GET OFF! I WANT TO GET OFF!" (She spent the other 10% of the time whimpering and talking to a family of ducks).

Joel threatened several times to kill me for forcing this adventure upon us, knowing the unpredictable temperament of our daughter. So, I take full responsibility for possibly having caused permanent psychological trauma to her, but I still insist that the day wasn't a total failure.

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