Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reluctant Haircut

This morning I dropped Ben off at a friend's birthday party and attempted to take Becca to get her hair cut. She has not had her hair cut since January, which was a very trying ordeal for both of us and we were not eager to repeat it. This time she seemed very happy and eager to get her hair cut - until it was her turn, and she dug her heels in, started bawling and refused to get in the chair. Now, this was a kid-oriented salon, with chairs shaped like animals and cars, and DVD players showing The Little Mermaid at every station. I don't know what could be less intimidating. But intimidated she was.

So we left, went next door to Target, and did our other errands, during which time Becca cried and professed that she truly did want to get her hair cut, now. So we went back to the salon for another try. This time Rebecca did not cry, but made it clear after a few moments that she was not actually going to get in the chair. So we left again.

By this time I was thoroughly annoyed with my daughter.

We picked up Ben from his party, while Rebecca whined and cried that she wanted to get a hair cut. I decided to take the two of them to a different kid-themed hair salon, since Ben needed a hair cut too. My reasoning was that if Ben went first and Becca saw how easy and problem-free it was, she would be okay with getting her hair cut too.

So that was my plan. Except that as soon as Ben got in the chair (rather, airplane) to get his hair cut, he FREAKED as soon as the clippers touched the back of his head, and regressed to about the age of two, and cried and screamed and squirmed and required 3 people to hold his arms, head, and cut his hair.

Rebecca watched all this calmly for a few moments, then marched over to a fire-engine shaped chair, climbed in, and sat perfectly still and serene all the way through her hair cut.

So... I guess it worked. Sort of. I did get both hair cuts accomplished. It cost me a small fortune though, because I felt the need to tip almost the amount of a third haircut to make up for the trouble that Ben caused. And I took Ben's DS away for the weekend.

My reluctant haircut recipients:

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Eat your heart out Judy Blume; move over Beverly Cleary! Here comes 'Becca the Brain'. All you need is an illustrator. Seriously.