Monday, February 14, 2011


The lipstick incident previously described was definitely a highlight of the weekend - but it was a busy weekend so here are some others:

1. Dinner with friends Friday night at City Tavern;
2. Dance class, Monkey Joe's playdate and lunch with Becca's friends Mira and Ben, Ben's basketball practice and a playdate for him with a friend as well;
3. Drinks at our friends' house Saturday night, followed by dinner at Arooji's followed by freshly made homemade donuts at the Wine Shoppe at Foxcroft (YUM!) - thanks to Joel's dad for babysitting!
4. A walk in the 60 degree sunshine yesterday, Ben's basketball game, Cub Scouts, grocery shopping....

We also had The Lipstick Incident, potty training accidents, and addressing Valentine's day cards for Ben's classmates ... which by the way is not easy when about half his classmates have names like Bimali, Girish, Darshini, and Roopa. (Not exaggerating-- Half). I had to double check a lot of spellings.

Today I am keeping fingers crossed that our dishwasher will finally get fixed after two weeks of it being broken, and two weeks of washing dishes by hand, and two weeks of stagnant water sitting in the bottom of the broken dishwasher smelling AWFUL!!

And I am looking forward to my trip to Florida later this week with my sister-in-law! WOO-HOO! Of course the weather here is going to be sunny and 75 by Thursday when I am leaving, whereas in FL where I am going it's going to be sunny and 80, so I am gaining a little extra warmth in addition to of course THE BEACH!

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