Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring Preview

We've had a great preview of the spring weather that's just around the corner this weekend. It was in the 70s on Saturday, and 80 yesterday and is supposed to be 80 today also although we're supposed to get some bad thunderstorms this afternoon. (The rest of the week is supposed to be back down in the 60s but I'll take that, too). Ben wore shorts to school today, which seems somehow wrong for the last day of February.

We spent a lot of time playing outside this weekend, in addition to our usual activities -- Ben had cub scouts, as well as his last basketball practice Saturday and his last basketball game on Sunday (he'll be starting flag football next, in a couple of weeks). Rebecca had her dance/gymnastics class, and a double birthday party for her friends Lia and Delaney. We had a lunch date with Becca's friend Mira after the birthday party, and also a playdate/dinner with Mira and her mom this weekend as well; and also a dinner date with Ben's friend Jared and his family. Somewhere in there we took a trip to the park down the street as well, and guess who was there giving out free samples -- PINKBERRY! :)

So it was a busy, sunny and warm weekend. The first of many this spring, I am sure....

1 comment:

Grandma said...

You lucky ducks! We in Philadelphia are only dreaming of spring:)