Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Not a Great Day So Far...

For Becca, that is. She narrowly avoided becoming a human piece of toast this morning... when I walked out to the garage to put the kids' backpacks in the car she was sitting at the table eating her waffle, and when I returned she was sitting crosslegged on the floor in front of an electrical outlet trying to coax her fork into it while talking to the fork ("come here little forky, go right in there....") She jumped and pouted when I yelled, and then announced in a huff that she wasn't hungry for breakfast anymore. I guess those outlet covers we removed when painting (or rather, contemplating painting) the kitchen should have been replaced.... though in my defense neither of my kids ever showed any desire to stick anything in an electrical outlet until this morning.... I made sure to review the don't-stick-anything-into-an-outlet-ever rule with both of them.

After the narrowly avoided electrocution, we headed to the dentist. This was Rebecca's first visit to the dentist. While my firstborn has always been a breeze at the dentist-- going back for his cleanings and x rays without me even from age 3, always following directions, never having any cavities -- Rebecca of course has to always be more challenging! I ended up having to go back with her and hold her down for a quick examination, and then sit with her on my lap while by the grace of God somehow we managed to get her to cooperate for x rays. Of course she does have a cavity, and needs to go back in two weeks to have it filled. With the help of nitrous oxide, which I hope will be my very special friend that day. (I personally HATE nitrous oxide - it makes me dizzy - so I can only hope Rebecca will find it more enjoyable and relaxing than I do!)

Hoping the rest of Becca's day improves!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Oh dear. How about a nice little plastic fork for Becca, just to be on the safe side:)