Monday, March 14, 2011

Pinewood Derby

Yesterday was Ben's cub scout troop's Pinewood Derby. Ben and Joel spent the last couple weeks working on his car with the help of our neighbor Kevin and his extensive tool collection :) Ben's car came out looking pretty snazzy. The Derby itself was rather annoying because the way they did it was to race every car against every other car, keeping track of who won each match... which took two and a half hours... and then called everyone a winner and gave everyone a trophy. I mean, really people! At some point it's okay to announce winners.... there were kids up to about age 12 or 13 participating, and surely they're old enough to be able lose graciously.... Anyway by our calculations, Ben came in fourth place out of 14 cars. So not too shabby! He had fun and was proud of how he did.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Good going Ben ( and Joel too):)