Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Yes that's me, in the blogging department. I have all kinds of excuses, including work being horribly busy (another person in my department left and I seem to be required to do all of his work until they find his replacement, plus all of my work, and I was already doing more than enough work for one person), also Rebecca gave me her croup virus, though I guess I am too old for croup but not immune to a nasty cold. Joel vacated the premises for a conference in Los Angeles during the illness. Lucky him.

We had a nice (if short) visit with Uncle Mike Thursday-Sunday, he was actually on his way to Los Angeles for work and decided to spend a couple of days with us before flying out there. So he arrived Thursday night and Joel arrived back from his own Los Angeles trip Friday morning. The kids loved seeing their uncle and of course argued about who got to sit next to him in the car, who got to sit next to him at dinner, etc etc. The weather was CRAPPY (cold and rainy all weekend) and Ben's first flag football game was rained out. But with Uncle Mike around we did have a nice excuse to eat out a few times (Boneheads, Wan Fu, Mezzanotte) and had a nice time.

More updates to follow, and I promise not to be so tardy...

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