Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally Friday

Sorry for the lack of blogging this week. It's been a tiring week. Joel was in Chicago for a conference Wednesday and Thursday, and work has been busy for me. We're looking forward to a sunny and upper 60s weekend though, with exciting events including Ben's first flag football practice tomorrow at the Y (yes for the first time since moving to Charlotte, we're doing something at the Y instead of the J -- crazy I know). We also have the Pinewood Derby on Sunday, with Ben's cub scout troop. Ben has been working hard on his car, and he and Joel need to put the finishing touches (okay, the wheels) on his car before Sunday....

Otherwise, not much has been going on. The kids are doing great and I am happy to report that Rebecca seems to have hit a groove with the potty training, and has been accident-free for a good two to three weeks now. And Ben's mid-quarter progress report from school included compliments from his teacher, such as that he enjoys learning and is always wanting to know more about the subjects they're studying. He's reading on about a third grade level, and reading chapter books on his own as his nightly reading now. He enjoys being quizzed on his multiplication tables, even though he's supposed to be working on addition right now. I am happy to report that he seems not to have inherited my mathematical defect ;)

More updates about football and the Pinewood Derby to follow, I am sure. Stay tuned!

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