Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Catching Up

Here's a run-down of the few news-worthy items I've neglected to blog about lately:

1. Joel is finally getting a new car! I have known Joel since 1997 (started to count how many years that is but brain failed) and since then he has only owned 2 cars and they were both used. So the fact that he is finally getting a new car is big news! It's a 2011 Prius, but it had to be ordered from the factory since they didn't have one on the lot in the color and with the upgrades (leather, navigation system, upgraded stereo system) that he wanted. So it probably won't be in for another week. I am excited for Joel and will post pictures when it arrives.... I am also excited for the 50 MPG rating and the fact that it apparently turns on by pressing a button instead of key in ignition.... Cooooool....

2. I was awarded Employee of the Month at my job. This apparently means I get loaded down with even more responsibility (see recent post). It does also mean I got a $150 American Express gift check, which I think I will save and use to take Joel out for his birthday in a few weeks....

3. Rebecca is firmly in the 3 year old Jekyll and Hyde personality thing. At least, I hope it's a 3 year old thing - did Ben do this? I don't remember. She can go from super sweet one moment to raging tyrant the next. Yesterday she was super sweet and agreeable and adorable at her followup appointment with the pediatric endocrinologist (all fine, probably will only have to follow up with her once more in six months), even announcing that she LOVED the doctor. Then in the same day she threw an absolute first-rate tantrum complete with kicking and rolling around on the floor because (we think) Joel wouldn't let her walk up the stairs backwards. Go figure.

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