Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Vegas Curse

Joel goes to Las Vegas with friends every year during Super Bowl weekend. Every year it seems like someone gets sick... I don't seem to have blogged about anything bad happening last year but I am sure something must have... Anyway, this year the Vegas curse came a little early, with Ben getting sick on the eve of Joel's departure. He had a fever last night and has been under the weather today though seems to be improving. I am hoping he can go to school tomorrow.

Joel also began complaining last night that he is starting to feel sick, but he left for his trip anyway this morning. My last communication from him, via text message after his plane landed, was that he is "definitely getting sick". I hope he can fight it off and have a good time on his vacation!!

Ben was well enough tonight to come out to dinner; the kids and I met my oldest friend (other than Abby of course) for dinner. She is in town on a business trip and I had not seen her in about 4 or 5 years. We met on the last day of Kindergarten (1982?). She is in town through the weekend, so hopefully no one else will get sick/sicker and we can spend more time catching up over the weekend! YEAH! Welcome to Charlotte, Anne! Hopefully we won't get you sick ;)

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Where did you go to dinner? And make Ben take a pic of the two of you :)