Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4 Year Checkup

Rebecca had her four year old checkup this morning. She is 36.8 pounds (50-75th percentile) and 41 inches tall (75th percentile). I felt a little bad for her because she's had her fair share of doctor visits in the last couple of weeks - once to the pediatrician for a sick visit, an unnecessary trip to Joel's clinic for blood tests, a follow-up (happily her last) with pediatric endocrinology last week, and now her well-exam, where she did not escape entirely unscathed because she got the FluMist vaccine administered. Of course I thought that a squirt up the nose would be more tolerable than a shot in the arm, but now I am not so sure. She put up quite a struggle! She was rewarded with a pink popsicle afterwards but this did not entirely seem to appease her. She's overdue for a dental checkup, but I think I'm going to try to give her a break for a couple weeks from the doctor visits!

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