Friday, October 28, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

Wednesday was Ben's parent-teacher conference. His report was good over-all; his spelling, math and literacy test scores are all averaging in the 88%-90% range and he's reading 153 words per minute, when the average expected for the beginning of second grade is something like 45 words per minute. The areas he needs improvement on are handwriting, neatness/organization, and working independently (all his teachers have said this, so no big surprise). His teacher did acknowledge that she had not realized until recently how young he is (one of the youngest in the class) so said she will cut him some slack on the working independently part, as she thinks its probably a function of his maturity level as compared with a lot of kids who are already 8 or about to turn 8.

Math seems to be his favorite/best subject (pleasantly surprised, considering Mom's genetics!) He had almost a 100% average in math until he recently bombed a test because, his teacher thinks, he was not writing neatly enough so his own poor handwriting confused him.

So overall the same report we usually get - bright, sloppy, disorganized kid :) Though his teacher really seems to be on top of things, and really trying to encourage better neatness and organization.

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