Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Only Wednesday?

Is it really only Wednesday? I spent Sunday and Monday in Harrisburg, PA, the only bright spot of which was getting to see Mom and Dad for a delicious dinner Sunday night. Sunday afternoon upon arriving in Harrisburg I met with the prosecutor for two hours to review my testimony. Monday I testified at the trial itself, I would estimate I was on the stand for about an hour and a half. The cross examination part was the only bit which was rather annoying and additionally I was testifying against one of my former colleagues, a lady who was always perfectly nice to me. She was in the court room and came over and patted my arm during the break before the cross examination started. I felt kinda bad. I wouldn't mind serving on a jury someday (I never have) but I certainly do hope this was my one and only experience on the witness stand! This jury, by the way, was putting on a rather brave face and really trying not to appear bored out of their minds, as the trial is full of very technical material and has been going on for 3 weeks now, with probably another 2 weeks to go. All but two of the 12 original defendants have plead guilty by this point, so it seems like an awful lot of bother to go through at this point... fortunately, my part is done.

I got home around 11:30 Monday night, and have been spending the last day doing catch-up at work and at home (laundry, etc). Joel and the kids had a hectic Sunday in my absence, considering that Joel had to work, but managed with the help of Joel's Dad as well as some friends, who I gather took Ben for a while in the afternoon for a playdate and also fed everyone dinner. (Joel did not manage to get the grocery shopping done until last night, understandably with having to work and me being away, so we had no food).

Saturday my parents are flying in (though for a funeral so while not the best circumstance still happy to get to see them again), and Sunday we are picking up our puppy.... something tells me the chaos is going to continue for a while.

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