Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Little Mix-Up

Yesterday was Columbus Day, and my work gave us the day off I think because we are losing a holiday at some point with Christmas and New Years being on weekends this year. Joel took the day off so we could enjoy a relaxing day together without the kids, who were both at school.

We had a great breakfast at Terrace Cafe, took a walk around the mall, had lunch at PF Chang's, and settled down at the movie theater to see Moneyball. It was certainly shaping up to be an awesome, relaxing day! Until my cell phone rang halfway through the movie. I had the sound off, and just happened to glance at my phone a couple minutes later. The voice mail was from J Team, where Ben was supposed to have gone after school. Unfortunately Ben chose this day to accidentally get on the school bus to our house, instead of on the J Team bus. (Very ironic timing on his part, since I am almost always home at 3pm because I am working. He picked the one day when I was not).

The call from J Team was quickly followed by a panicked call from Ben's teacher telling me she had put Ben on the wrong bus. By this time it was 5 minutes before the bus was due to arrive at our street corner. Joel and I raced home, since though we knew there were neighbors home and that Ben would be fine, we didn't have any of our neighbors' phone numbers with us so couldn't call anyone.

We got home about 10 minutes after Ben, who was with neighbors and not concerned in the least. The neighbors however were quite concerned, having noticed that my car was in the garage and knowing I am usually home. They were worried that I was dead inside or something, and were not sure if Ben was supposed to have come home on the bus or not. The one neighbor who knew Ben's J Team schedule and who also happened to know that Joel and I had taken the day off and were out together, was at work.

Fortunately the confusion did not last long since Joel and I arrived home quickly. I have since exchanged cell phone numbers with all the neighbors, in case of a repeat performance :) Something tells me I need to teach Ben my cell phone number also, because he only knows the home number.

But that was the end of our relaxing day out together, and I never did find out how Moneyball ends....

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