Friday, November 4, 2011

Random Updates

Clara - Barked at the back door this morning when she needed to go out to poop. Seems to be responding to "NO!" as in when she picked up my flip flop and I told her NO, she dropped it and picked up one of her toys instead. Pretty consistent with listening to NO from me and Joel. Smart girl!

Ben - Lost his second baby tooth last night. Unfortunately, the adult tooth is already almost all the way in, having come in behind the baby tooth before the baby tooth was ready to come out. Braces in our future? Also, he bombed the assessment test that is one of the methods used for placing students in the Talent Development program, but scored well on another screening process, the Gifted Rating Scale, so his case goes to portfolio review which means the talent development coordinator chooses samples of his best classroom work to present to a panel to determine if he gets the official gifted label. For the record, I do not have high hopes for my son's portfolio! His handwriting is just too bad!

Rebecca - Clara seems to be listening to "no" better than Rebecca does at this point. Especially when it comes to the dog - she tries to pick her up constantly and doesn't listen when told to leave her alone. On the one hand, at least Clara will be too big for her to haul around like a baby soon. On the other hand, there will be an ACTUAL BABY soon for her to try to haul around instead. Uh oh.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Time to Clara proof the house. Her tail will be big enough ( in the not too distant future) to knock everything off the coffee table and knock a very small person over. I'm glad she is a fast learner, as I have been told Labs think they are puppies for at least three years:)

Why don't they get rid of the 'talent development coordinators' and their ilk, and use the funds toward building a new school!!!!! Lord ha' mercy:)