Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Prep

The weekend activities included a large amount of baby prep that was assisted by Joel (putting together bassinet, baby swing, bringing Rebecca's old baby dresser/changing station down from an upstairs closet, etc) and my mother in law (who took me shopping for remaining baby items - diapers, wipes, diaper genie, diaper bag etc - THANK YOU!). Somewhere in there I also got my hair done, went out to dinner with friends, bought Ben a winter coat, picked up a few things at the grocery store, and did some laundry. Joel and his dad took Ben to his first NFL game yesterday - Panthers v. Falcons - which Ben thoroughly enjoyed.

On the to-do list for today (my first official day of maternity leave) is to get my car's oil changed and pick up a couple of the kids' smaller Hannukah gifts. I'm trying to take it easy, though Joel I think would prefer I spontaneously go into labor instead of waiting till Thursday, so he can skip his last couple days of work before his scheduled time off ;)

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Only three more days- Grandpa and I are VERY excited!