Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Doctor Appointments

Yesterday Mom drove Caroline and I to her weight check appointment, where the doctor verified that she is still gaining weight nicely -- up to 8 lbs 11 oz, from 8 lbs 3 oz a week ago. She also has grown 3/4 of an inch already! I wonder if she is going to be a tall one like Ben?? Her next appointment is her one month checkup, not until January 17. (That seems really far away right now, but I'm sure it will be here before I know it).

After that appointment, we went to an appointment with a lactation consultant, who was so horrified at my chewed-up nipples that she wouldn't even attempt to let Caroline nurse, instead saying I need to continue pumping/ supplementing with formula until Friday or Monday, at which point once I am all healed I can come back in and we will work on the whole latch thing, which apparently Caroline has been doing horribly wrong.

So, I am fine with that. Especially considering that she is starting to take 4 ounces per feeding, and last night she ate a total of 12 ounces between 7pm and 11pm, and there is no way on Earth I could have supplied that much milk, sore boobs or not! (After that binge, she slept for 5 hours straight, but of course I could not take advantage of the rest myself since I am on a 3 hour around the clock pumping schedule ... boo...)

Today I am feeling a bit better and planning to venture out with Mom for a couple errands/ lunch -- my first time going out for something other than a doctor appointment since I came home from the hospital!! Yay me!!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Yay for finally getting out of the house!!