Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Home with Caroline

Thanks for being patient with me in the blogging department ;) Caroline and I came home from the hospital on Sunday, and the last couple of days have been a blur of narcotics and sleep-deprivation ;) The c-section recovery is slow, and I am trying to breast-feed through massively engorged boobs which really at this point is bothering me more than the c-section pain. Joel has been great, taking care of the kids, dog, laundry, food shopping etc etc while i do things like try to poop for the first time in six days, breastfeed with boobs the size of watermelons, and watch endless hours of Investgation Discovery Channel with a newborn on my lap while wearing nothing but a large undershirt of Joel's because not a single piece of my own clothing will fit over my watermelon boobs.

Caroline is awesome, totally adorable and often blissfully peaceful, with a face that reminds me SO MUCH of Ben when he was a baby except I think if anything Caroline's complexion may even be darker than his.

Ben and Rebecca have been keeping busy with winter break camp/preschool, some well-timed dinner invitations / birthday parties, and Chanukah, which starts tonight. As a result I haven't gotten to see them much, but they seem to be adjusting pretty well so far and getting lots of attention (just not from me :)

Pictures of Caroline, and of the first night of Chanukah, coming up soon...

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Glad you are getting settled. Hope the watermelons become say honeydew melons soon.