Monday, May 21, 2012


I think moving must be one of those things like childbirth that after it's over, you forget exactly how bad it was, and after a few years you start thinking about doing it again... well... moving sucks!!! Even when it's only 3 doors down. Or, perhaps BECAUSE it was only 3 doors down, it was a complete disorganized mess. A complete, disorganized, sleep-deprived with a really bad cold and whiny kids in the way MESS.

As of this writing, the garage of the new house is so crammed full of stuff that no cars can fit in, the contents of the master bedroom closet, refrigerator and freezer remain largely at the other house, and the garage at the other house needs to be cleaned out. Since trash day is tomorrow, a monumental task looms at both houses of getting what garbage we can out to the curb that the trash men will actually take.

But despite all that, we got a remarkable amount of stuff unpacked, got internet, tv and phone up and running today smoothly (all email addresses and phone numbers remain unchanged). Below are some pictures of the house. Ben and Rebecca's rooms are finished but the rest of the rooms aren't, or at least we have not hung any pictures, mirrors or anything yet so it looks a bit bare. We'll get to that stuff eventually! Take a moment to read the captions, I took a moment to write them ;)


Carolyn said...

Looks awesome! So glad that hard part is behind you and all the fun decorating/getting set-up stuff to come!

Abigail said...

Looks great but I want to see the bathrooms!! And more views of your bedroom :)And a laundry room? I want to see that too. And the outside of the house again so I can remember what it looks like ;)

Grandma said...

Wow! Great job decorating. What an awesome home! Congrats.