Monday, June 4, 2012

Catching Up

This last week has been very hard on everyone, but we're trying now to get through with the last week of school for the kids, and then heading to Hilton Head for a week on Saturday. The kids have dealt with their grandmother's passing differently; Ben has been scared to go to sleep at night, even almost pulling an all-nighter a couple of nights last week. He stayed home from school Tuesday because he was too tired after not sleeping Monday night, and stayed home Wednesday for the funeral.

Ben and Rebecca both came to the funeral and seemed to handle that aspect of things pretty well. We tried to sit down with them that morning and explain everything that would happen ahead of time, so there wouldn't be any surprises.That seemed to help. Despite the circumstances, they enjoyed their first limo ride, and especially the ride to the cemetery, where we had a police escort and got to run all the red lights. That kept them distracted/entertained for a while.

At home we've had about a million visitors bearing food, neighbors bringing dinner, etc. I am hoping this is coming to an end soon, although the kids seemed to enjoy the visitors, the disruptions to their routine and the reminder of why the people were here seems to make things more difficult for Ben's sleeping habits. He seems to be improving and now is only requiring someone to sit with him for a few minutes extra at bed time. Rebecca seems a lot less scared/more matter-of-fact, due to her age I think. Hopefully this week will bring a return to some normalcy, and next week, a much-needed vacation.

We will miss you, Nanny.

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