Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer School

Ben's second grade teacher has offered her tutoring services over the summer, and I (along with apparently half the class at least) jumped at the opportunity to give Ben an hour a week one on one with his teacher, so that his brain doesn't turn to mush over the summer. Ben specifically will be working with her on handwriting mechanics, as well as math review to keep his math skills sharp during the summer. When I told Ben he was going to spend an hour a week with his teacher, he was actually thrilled! He LOVES his teacher. Today was his first session, from 4:30-5:30 at the South county library. I am embarrassed to say it was the first time I'd actually been inside the South county library, but I did take advantage of the opportunity by getting a library card, and letting Rebecca check out a bunch of books. When Ben was finished with his tutoring session, he also picked out a couple of books. Ben has some math review sheets and a writing assignment to do this week for his teacher. He was extremely good natured and amenable to the idea of homework over the summer. Wednesdays are going to be a long day, since I have to leave my desk at 3:30 in order to get all 3 kids and get to the library at 4:30, and get home around 6pm. As a result, I have work to catch up on this evening. But it's worth it to keep Ben's brain sharp over the summer!

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