Friday, October 26, 2012

And the Dog Almost Gives Me a Heart Attack - Again

My Friday was uneventful - all 3 kids made it through the day, had a nice lunch with a friend, got somewhat caught up with work stuff after being out for much of the last few days -- except for one MAJOR incident:

I was upstairs collecting laundry from the kids' dirty clothes hampers and when i came downstairs I saw something chewed up on the living room carpet - the recent work of the dog. I went over to see what it was, and it was A PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE OF SLEEPING PILLS! Which apparently she'd taken off Joel's bedside table. The pills were spilled all over the floor and the bottle was chewed up. In a TOTAL PANIC I called Joel and asked him if he knew how many of them he had ever taken --turns out he had only ever taken one, and I could still read the quantity on the pill bottle. I hung up on Joel to count the pills (Poor Joel almost had a heart attack himself) and mercifully concluded that only one pill was unaccounted for -- I guess they tasted pretty bad. The directions (for human consumption) were to take 1-3 pills, so after consulting with Joel we determined that one pill in a 60 pound dog was not going to do much except maybe make her sleepy. Indeed, she took a 2 hour nap after that.

Lesson learned, lesson learned, lesson learned.... there is no such thing as a Labrador-proof pill bottle!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Hope to God you found all the GD pills- you don't want to leave any for toddlers/crawlers to find.