Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Long Weekend

Joel was working this weekend, which made it an extra long long weekend ;) We got some errands done, had friends over for dinner/football Sunday night, Ben's team finally won a basketball game (!) and the kids and I spent the morning at Sports Connection followed by lunch followed by letting Ben and Rebecca rent a movie (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) while Caroline napped and I did chores (BEN: "Are you sure this movie is appropriate? I think there is some bad language in this movie." ME: "I don't want to hear anything about it! Nothing! I know nothing, you hear me? Just sit quietly and watch the movie!") Yes I was kind of at my wits' end by yesterday afternoon.

This morning Rebecca had a dentist appointment, which Joel took her to because he didn't have to go into work until the afternoon. Of course, when *I* take Rebecca to the dentist she screams bloody murder, but when Joel takes her she is a perfect angel - what's that about? Ben is off school again today for a teacher work day, but I signed him up for School's Out/J's In at the JCC, and Caroline went back to day care today after having explosive diarrhea all weekend long (at one point it shot out of her diaper like an erupting volcano, I am totally serious) so I am crossing fingers that she does not get sent home today!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Hmm You were at Sky High yesterday according to Ben...