Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekend in Review

It was not a very exciting weekend, but here are the highlights--

Caved to Ben's daily demands for a sleepover, and allowed him to have a friend over Friday night. All seemed to go well until I checked in on them Saturday morning after getting the baby up. ME: Did you guys go to bed at 10:30 like I told you to? THEM: Yes! ME: What time did you get up this morning? THEM: 2:30! Yes apparently they woke up at 2:30 and played Madden football on the Wii until I checked on them at 7. Their orders were not to leave the bonus room until 7:30 and not to wake anyone up, so I suppose they behaved in that regard...

Got some minor stuff done around the house- cleaned out the coat closet, got our bedroom closet the rest of the way unpacked finally (there were still a couple of boxes in there), and installed a door knob on the laundry room door. The previous occupants of this house had some real issues with door knobs apparently. They also seem to have removed the strike plates from every door frame in the house. Weird. They also disabled the door knob on the storm door, meaning it does not turn and to open the door you just have to push on it. This is not good with babies and dogs around. Issues I tell you, issues.

Ben's basketball practices/games resumed this weekend after a break for the holidays. This was his second game, and the first one that I got to see. They play on a full court and keep score now. Ben scored 2 of his teams 8 points, but they lost by 2 points. It was fun to watch though.

Joel "forgot" Ben at Hebrew school yesterday. For some reason he had it in his head that Hebrew school ended at 1:30 instead of 1. At 1:20 they called me asking if someone was on the way to pick up Ben, who was the last kid there, and I called Joel but he had turned his phone off. I threw the girls in the car and sped to Hebrew school, got Ben, and sped over to the gym parking lot and was about to charge in looking for Joel (assuming that something horrible had happened or something) when he finally called me back. To make matters worse I woke up with a REALLY stiff neck yesterday morning and could barely turn my head so probably should not have been driving. I was a little bit peeved ;)

That's all for the weekend... now back to my Monday pile-of-stuff-to-do.

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