Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mid-Week Update

I am a week and a half into my new year's resolution of losing the post-Caroline baby weight and then some... Yes after a year of hoping the extra weight would magically disappear somehow, I finally decided it wasn't going to and I should start doing something about it.I am eating crazy healthy - protein shake for breakfast, egg white omelette for lunch, couple of healthy snacks in there, dinner of steak and veggies or some other meat-and-veggie combination with only one serving of whole grain carbs a day... though a couple of days I have skipped the carbs all together.  Happy to report that I have dropped 5 pounds so far! 5 more pounds will put me back to pre-Caroline territory, and my ultimate goal is to lose an additional 10 pounds beyond that.

In other not so good news, I had a minor fender bender the other day, or rather a backing-out-of-the-driveway incident. I was coming out of the driveway closer to the left side than I normally do, and was too intent on making sure the front of my car didn't hit the mailbox on the way out, so I did not notice the car parked on the street across from my driveway. It is quite amazing how much damage the rear corner of a minivan can do to the side of a sedan when driving one mile an hour and not damaging the minivan at all beyond a scratch or two. I put like a child sized dent in the side of this car. Turns out it belonged to the cleaning lady who was cleaning the house across the street. She didn't speak much English but I gave her my information and apologized profusely, and hoped that my sincerity came across ;) Her like twelve year old daughter called me yesterday to clarify/get additional information (apparently the designated English speaker in the family). I resolve from now on to pay excruciating attention while driving in reverse. (And all other directions).

1 comment:

Grandma said...

I like the 'crazy healthy' part of your diet. Good for you.