Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Comedy of Errors

But not that funny actually. Ben came down with a headache, fever, and sore throat yesterday. This morning, after being very suspicious that he has strep, I decided to take him over to the pediatric urgent care clinic (I don't think I should say which one - LOL).  Joel stayed at home with Rebecca and Caroline, claiming he's had his fill of doctor offices this week - a fair point.

Error #1 - the nurse got Ben's weight and then wrote "32 lbs" in his chart, instead of "32 kg". I happened to spot that one and corrected her. If Ben weighed 32 lbs we'd have a bit more of a problem than just strep....

Error #2 - after doing the strep test the nurse apparently got it mixed up with another strep test that had been done just prior to Ben's, so the doc came in and told us his test was negative. I was a bit bewildered because I was pretty darn sure Ben had strep. Fortunately Ben asked for a popsicle, which delayed our exit long enough for someone to catch the mistake. We were herded back into the exam room, given the proper set of patient education materials (the ones that say "Strep confirmed") and a prescription was called over to our pharmacy.

Error #3 - Joel offered to go out to get his prescription once we got home and soon discovered that the doctor had prescribed giant amoxycillan pills. Yes it's true that Ben can swallow pills, but of the small capsule type variety. Joel had to get them to change the prescription to a liquid. Then to be on the safe side he double checked the dosage and the weight that the pharmacist had listed for Ben to make sure everything was correct.

I think we may not be visiting this particular urgent care facility again ;) Also Joel knew the physician who saw Ben, and I will leave his opinion of her out of this post! Apparently Joel thought I was taking Ben to the regular urgent care right across the street from us. I presumed a pediatric one would be better for him. Apparently I was wrong ;) At least now he has his medicine - I shudder to think about how miserable the next few days would have been if we'd been sent home thinking he did not have strep....

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