Wednesday, March 20, 2013

She's Just Gassy...

So yesterday Joel and I had a little freak out over Caroline's ginormous belly, deciding it just did not look normal. After texting a picture of her belly to a couple pediatrician friends who also agreed it didn't look normal, we decided to skip the usual step of taking her to the pediatrician (where I am sure the gassy diagnosis would have been provided and with much less fanfare) and take her straight to Joel's office for an ultrasound (no appointment necessary of course). Now, this marks the second of our children that we have brought to Joel's office for unnecessary medical workup (Hear that Ben? Some day it will be your turn....)

Caroline was EXTREMELY upset with us because we did not let her have breakfast before the ultrasound and because she is now in a stranger-anxiety phase where she cries if someone looks at her or gets within arms reach. The ultrasound of course yielded nothing more alarming than a bellyful of gas. Maybe next time we will learn our lesson and just go to the pediatrician. But, probably not :P

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