Friday, March 8, 2013

Not off to a Good Start this Morning

So this morning I offered to drive Ben to chess club, which starts at 7am, which he readily agreed to, instead of waiting for the bus which has been late the last few days. All fine and good until I was most of the way home (which involves driving past the high school at total-traffic-jam-everyone-trying-to-turn-in-there-at-once time), and I realized that Ben had left his backpack sitting on the back seat of the car. After uttering a few expletives I made what I am pretty sure was an illegal U-turn and headed back to the school. Which was also total-traffic-jam-central-everyone-trying-to-drop-their-kids-off-at-once. I walked to the library, only to be told that chess club was cancelled for this morning, due to standardized testing. Oh, the irony. I walked to Ben's classroom, where apparently he has been trained to sit as his desk and read so studiously before class that he did not even look up when I deposited his backpack in front of him. "He'd leave his head in the car too, if it weren't attached," his teacher said to me. Umm, yeah that about sums it up. The drive home was uneventful and the traffic in front of the high school had thinned out, fortunately. I arrived home, having wasted over 30 minutes of my morning for a non-existent chess club meeting, and went upstairs to fetch Caroline from her crib. Caroline was sitting in her crib covered from the waist down (and all over her sheets) in poop. As if to say, hi mommy, please waste even more time cleaning me up :) Miraculously I did somehow manage to drop her and Rebecca off just a few minutes behind schedule and get to my desk by 9... Hoping the rest of the day goes a little more smoothly!

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