Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tires, Spiders, Fevers... Oh My ;)

First let me start off by saying that today is Joel's 40th birthday -- happy birthday Joel! We are going away for the weekend later this month to celebrate the occasion in proper style, but for today we did go out for dinner and Pinkberry!

Now, for the rest of my day:

1. Took my car in for the annual state inspection only to be told it wouldn't pass without four new tires. $517 later I have a clean inspection report and shiny new tires. I feel as though when you spend $517 on something, it should be something a little more exciting than tires. Sigh.

2. Had a termite inspection which did not turn up any termites, but turned up a whole family of black widow spiders living in my garage. Mommy spiders, baby spiders, cute little black widow egg sacs.... We actually came across a couple of them while cleaning out the garage the other week and had this conversation:
JOEL: Are you sure that's not a black widow?
ME: Do you want to flip it over to look at it's stomach? Because I don't.
JOEL: Uh, no.
So now we are having an exterminator come out on Friday. (Joel wanted to know why I did not have the termite inspector take care of it right then and I said, because I wanted to make sure I didn't get ripped off! So I got two quotes... I thought Joel would be proud of me. Turns out he prefers immediate black widow riddance - who knew?) Now the kids (and Joel) are afraid to go into the garage and are making me park my car on the driveway. Double sigh.

3. As if my day hadn't been complicated by enough unforeseen problems, I got a call from Caroline's day care at 4pm that she had a 102 degree fever and I needed to come get her. Triple sigh :(


Abigail said...

Hmmm I think I prefer my garter snakes.

Grandma said...


Rita said...

Congratulations on your new tires! And I share the same sentiments with you about spending that much on something more exciting. I believe that new tires could be exciting as well; you experience a more accurate feel while on the road. A black widow? Yikes! I would have freaked out if it was me. Good thinking on getting quotes from two different exterminators to ensure that you wouldn't be charged unreasonably. Good day! :)

Rita McCall