Thursday, June 20, 2013

And... He's Back Again

Also: Why I Didn't Go to the 6am Boxing Class Like I Said I was Going to.

Yes I had every intention of getting up at 5am and dragging myself to a 6am boxing class. Whether or not I would have gone had I actually gotten a decent night's sleep can never be known ;) But what actually did happen was that Caroline started fussing around 3:30 am, and after listening to her fuss for a while, I decided I'd better get up and shut her bedroom door and shut Ben and Becca's doors too so that she wouldn't wake them up.

So I got up to do this around 4 am and headed by the front door on the way to the stairs, and that is when I heard Ulysses meowing at the front door. Who by now had gone missing again for about 3 weeks or so. So I let him in, not really one bit surprised to see him, since by now I am on to his disappearing acts. He started acting the way he does when he has not seen me in a long time, which is to say meowing very loudly, following me around, etc.

Caroline, already awake of course, heard the meowing and started yelling "Puppy! Puppy!" (She is having some confusion with her animal categories lately where everything that walks on four legs she calls a puppy, everything that walks on two legs is either Daddy or a duck, and pretty much everything else is a fish).

So I completed my original mission of closing her bedroom door, which she was NOT HAPPY about, and then went back to bed, where Ulysses followed me purring/meowing and generally not letting me fall back to sleep until almost 5. I did have a brief thought of, hey I am up anyway so... But I am not that crazy. Plus I promised Ben I'd stay up to watch game 7 of the NBA finals with him tonight! (Rather, I told him I would fall asleep on the couch with him).

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Love it! So glad your 'puppy' is back home:)