Thursday, June 27, 2013

Busy Week

In addition to the usual summer stuff - packing lunches for camp, the "laundry scramble" as I call it every morning, trying to find clean bathing suits towels and/or chuck yesterday's damp bathing suits/ towels in the dryer real quick - this week has been particularly busy...

 At work I have been filling in for a coworker who is on vacation for 2 weeks, as well as trying to find time to train a new hire, and at home I have been busy lining up a new tenant for our rental property (our current tenants move out August 10th). I think I have someone lined up who is supposed to be signing the lease/ providing the deposit today and moving in on August 16th. But in the meantime I have been fielding email and phone inquiries, scheduling showings, etc.

So that is why there has not been much blogging the last few days! Yesterday morning I was running around doing the usual, trying to get all 3 kids fed/ ready to go, making sure backpacks were packed, etc, when I noticed the seat of Caroline's pants were all wet. At first I thought she had gotten into the dog's water dish again (she has this REALLY ANNOYING game of dumping out Clara's water dish and then SITTING IN the spilled water and trying to splash around, like she thinks it's her own little water park) but then I realized, this was all Mommy's fault -- I'D FORGOTTEN TO DIAPER HER. Yes, I'd put pants on her but, no diaper.

Maybe things will calm down a little around here soon, and I will be able to remember once again to do things like diaper my child....

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